About Me

My photo
I am and lover of fashion, music, and hair. I made the decision to go natural in May 2008 (BC November 2008) and I am enjoying everyday of my journey. I hope my readers will be inspired to look within themselves and discover the true beauty that we all have and also just enjoy learning from my life.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Beauty and the Kinks: Keeta

You love her and I do too, this week's natural beauty is the fabulous Keetaray!

Where are you from and and is the natural scene prominent?

I am from Philadelphia, PA. However, I didn't go natural until moving to Maryland (I love right outside of Washington, D.C.). The natural scene is very prominent here. I feel right at home. I'd guess that about 40-50% of the people here have natural hair.

What inspired you to become natural? Did you transition, long term or short term?
Many things influenced me to go natural... Part of it was self-acceptance, another part of me seriously disliked how my hair was thinning out and just not as healthy as it was. And then I always admired those with natural hair, I wanted that big, fluffy, healthy hair! Now I have it :-)

What kind of reactions have you had since becoming natural?
I would say that about 99% of the reactions I'VE WITNESSED have been positive. My mom has issues with my hair and has made comments, and one guy made a smart comment when I first cut my hair, but other than that I've gotten all positive feedback. Cutting my hair off and "starting from scratch" gave me a confidence I didn't know I had. I LOVE it!

Whats your regimen?
I co-wash once a week, usually using Herbal Essence Hello Hydration. I do twist outs the majority of the time. After co-washing, I detangle in small sections, apply shea butter & coconut oil to that section, and twist and pin up. I do this to my entire head while my hair is damp. Let it air dry overnight, take it out in the morning and style. After this, during the week at nighttime, I will just sleep in a statin bonnet. I may retwist every 2-3 days if I feel I want more definition.

What advice would you give to those thinking of becoming natural?
I would say BE PATIENT. The growth will come, just focus on taking care of your hair and being gentle with it. Simplicity is best, don't over-manipulate. Also, DO YOUR RESEARCH. There are so many resources!! Various blogs and forums, and let's not forget YouTube. The ENTIRE time I transitioned I was researching natural hair. It helped a great deal and because of that I've have very little, if any, frustrations with my hair since going natural. It's been pretty easy, because I prepared myself.


What has been the best thing about your hair journey thus far?
My confidence went up, and it's honestly just so easy! I wouldn't get a relaxer again for ANYTHING

Monday, November 16, 2009

Black Guy Hatin on Natural hair

In this convo on a facebook status some guy decided to make a negative informed statement that was uncalled for check it out

Natalie: Natural hair is sooo BEauTifuLL!!Sat at 7:31pm · Comment · Like / Unlike3 people like this.

Biannica: YES!!!!

Natalie:  I love seeing the different things people do with their hair, waves/curls,& color. All of that just makes me love and appreciate this beauty that God has naturally given me

Chantel:  Yes Ma'am!!!! I love it!

Kevin: the hell it isn't!!!!!

Natalie:  NEGRO!! No one asked you!!!

Kevin:  So, my comment still counts. (Natural hair=Ugly). smh.

Chantel: Poor misquided black male, he can't even appreciate the multifaceted beauty of his sisters. Must be a reflection of his own self loathing

Kevin:  whoa, excuse me. I Love All Sisters And Women of ANY Color. I'm Not misguided and I love myself not loathe. I just Think that young black females shouldn't cut off all their hair. It doesn't look good; I wouldn't want to date a female and her hair is shorter than mine!!!

Chantel:  Soooo just because a woman has short, healthy, unprocessed hair she's unattractive. Soooo in your eyes having hair longer than yours no matter the condition is attractive. Interesting, whatever works for you good luck

Natalie:  Kevin, Natural doesn't mean its short. It can be and it can be long short. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I love my hair and if you don't feel the same I could care less. I was just letting people know how I felt and didn't ask for negativity.

Natalie:  It can be long or short. Its just doesn't have CHEMICALS in it. I can straighten my hair if I like to look like what you think is "beautiful".

*the guy went on to say that he's spoken with the "consensus" of black men and they all think the same thing natural hair equals ugly (smh hahahaha).  And apparently ladies this guy says that all guys are really doing when they tell that with look beautiful with our natural coils is feeding into our low self esteem smh.  I honestly feel sorry for this "boy" who apparently has been exposed to some other fake little "boys".  I have had nothing but positive feedback from men of all races and regardless of what this fool said I know Im beautiful and so are you.  I will not hold my head down in shame because I chose to rock a twa, twistout, fro, frohawk or whatever.  I am a queen and so are you

here are my final comments via facebook to ol boy
Chantel:  Sorry to tell you that you are sadly mistaken sir and do you know the major consensus of black males? Didn't think so. Speak for yourself and not others. Im natural and even when I cut my hair off last year black guys still found me attractive and even men from other races.

Chantel:  Wow I cant believe that one person could be so narrow-minded so you believe anything another dude tell you yet you have not questioned every male in the world to make your arguement valid so with that said you do you and please dont parade your ignorant assumptions on others. Your wasting your time and energy trying to discuss something you obviously have no clue about. Regardless of what you say I know the truth based on my own experiences. and furthermore why did you feel the need to comment on a status that was upllifting and positive and bash it. Are you that thirsty for attention that you just go around being negative to get a rise out of people? Sorry to say I will not give the the satisfaction any longer. Peace

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Wet Seal Clearance sale

Yesterday me and the roomie went out for some retail therapy (much needed).  We stopped at the mall and went into Wet Seal to find that they had 50% of all sweaters and clearance items were $5 for $20, and yes thats for accessories just not shoes.  Head over there before all the good stuffs gone especially my college girls on a budget out there ;)

Friday, November 13, 2009

Why is "Nappy" a bad word????

!!!!Warning this may become an excessive rant, but in the words of my friend Jenny..I do what I want!!!

Earlier this week I decided that I was going to let my hair ADD get the best of me and start taking down a few of my yarn twists.  My guy friend came over to study with me for a while and turns out he's doing a paper about  non-traditional beauty standards in African American women. (Sighs)  That is such a good topic to me, needless to say he began picking my brain about why I wear my hair the way I do, btw he loves my hair.  I ended my diss about my hair by saying "I love my nappy hair."  He touched the piece of hair that I had taken down already and said no you dont you have good hair.  (Rolls eyes)  That wouldn't have been a bad thing if he meant that my hair was healthy, but I could tell he was referring to the texture of my hair and not it's condtion.  Im not goog at typing my hair but I know Im a 4 something lol and that's not what most people consider "good" hair. 

This pass week I have come across a few girls that love the way I wear my hair, but claim that they have "nigga" hair, or that I have good hair so I can rock the styles I do easily.  Not!!! I love my hair and I appreciate the texture, I wouldn't care if someone called it nappy, in fact I might even see it as a compliment.  I think the problem comes when people mean it in a hurtful way and turn a word that simply means tightly curled or coiled into something derogatory.  Even my ex said that my hair isnt "nappy" it's manageable.  WTF, thats anyone's hair, if you take the time to learn to properly care for it.  Whether your hair has big juicy loose curls, is straight, or kinkier than lamb's wool.  Deal with it learn to take care of what you got. 

Why is it that other races walk around with their natural hair textures all the time, but when we (AA's) do it we're making some kind of political statement. That truly baffels me, if God gave me this hair that can mold into any shape, reach for the sky, and be straight or curly why would I want to give that up just so I can look like someone Im not.  (Not bashing those that do wear relaxers or weaves) I just feel that you should love yourself first and then decide what works for you, don't do it just to fit in and look like everybody else, it's overrated. 

Back to that nappy stuff and the baseline of my rant

There's nothing wrong with referring to your hair as nappy, the problem lies within us still wanting to conform to European standards of beauty that dont hold out natural kinks in high regard.  I love that my hair is tightly coiled and kinky.  It bounces back from being twisted our braided, is soft to the touch, and makes me stand out wherever I go.  No one can tell me that's not a beautiful thing, and God knew what he was doing when he made us this way.  Don't look down on your kinks because of what others say, empower yourself and know that you are all beautiful queens.  (Takes deep breath)

Until next time...
Stay nappy, Stay happy!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Beauty and the Kinks: Mia

Good morning and thank you so much for inviting me to be a spotlight on your blog. My pleasureJ

Where are you from and whats the natural scene like there?
I am originally from Fayetteville, NC but have been moving around my whole life due to the fact that my father was in the Army. Although I was born in Fayetteville, I dint really live there for too long. I mostly grew up in predominately Caucasian schools; so of course, the natural scene was pretty much non existent. Im not sure if I even knew what being “natural” was for a long time.

What inspired you to become natural?  Did you transition long term or short term?
During my years in college my relaxed hair went from good to bad very quickly from over processing and neglect. It began to become very damaged and it started breaking off. In July of 2006 I decided to cut it all off and start over again. My intentions at first was to go natural long enough to get some healthy hair on my head, and then I would relax it again. Until then though, I just decided to wear braids. My transition was short term of course because I immediately cut all of my perm ends off as opposed to growing it out.

What kind of reactions have you had since becoming natural?
The reactions from my friends, family, co workers and strangers have, for the most part, been VERY positive. Everyone I come across seem to really appreciate and admire my hair in its natural state and that makes me feel goodJ Every now and again, I may get a look or a stare from someone who doesn’t really get it, but certainly not enough to make me want to change.

What's your regimen?
I don’t really have a regimen that I stick with consistently. I have come to learn that with my hair, its best for me to switch up the routine every now and then. I will say that I do a lot of moisturizing with shea butter and coconut oil. I also do a lot of braid outs and twists. When I choose to do straight looks I make sure that I use a heat protectant and always wrap with a silk scarf at night. I think that each natural is different and has to find what works for her/his kinks and curlsJ

What advice would you give to someone thinking about becoming natural?
My advice to women/men who are thinking of becoming natural is to first know that being natural isn’t for everyone!!!! Please know your hair first before making this decision. Know that you do not have to be natural in order to have healthy hair. Healthy hair exists in both natural and relaxed states you jus need to know HOW to care for it. After you have seriously thought it through, EMBRACE it!!! Be proud to be a natural and sport the look with confidence, whether you have a blow out, locs, afro or twists. Most importantly, take care of it. Hair is hair no matter what state its in and needs to be cared for. If you are uneducated about being natural or transitioning, visit a salon that offers natural hair care and speak to a professional/specialist about your hair. Lastly, ENJOY it!!! Natural hair is very fun and very versatile!!! It can be worn straight, curly, blown out, in a fro, updo, etc.

What has been the best thing about becoming natural for you?
The best thing about going natural for me is the versatilityJ I can go big and bold one day and then straight as a perm the next day if I wanted(without having a perm). I love being able to switch up my looks from week to week. I get bored with one style so having the ability to try different looks is the best thing for me!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Beauty and the Kinks: Olivia

Where are you from and and is the natural scene prominent?
I'm from Ottawa, ON Canada. There are a few naturals, but not that many, because if being natural was the norm in the Nation's Capital people wouldn't be staring at my hair daily!

How long have you been natural?
I've been natural my entire life. Although, from Grade 6 to graduating from High School in Grade 12 my hair was either in braid extensions or weaves. I stopped wearing fake hair in December 2009. On January 27, 2009 I chopped off all my damage hair (split ends, heat damaged pieces and limp hair) it was about 5 1/2 inches of hair that got cut. I am finally on my natural hair journey and this coming January will make it ONE YEAR OF BEING NATURAL!

What is the weirdest thing that someone has asked you about your hair?
"Is that yours?" I didn't want to answer that question; especially coming from a black woman. My hair was styled in a braid out and was blowing in the wind like crazy. She was staring at my hair so hard (probably looking to see a track) Usually when I do braid outs they come out a bit wavy. So, I suppose she believed it was a wavy hair weave and even had the nerve to ask me if it was. Then she went on to ask me what I did to get that look. The bus came so I didn't get a chance to reply and as I said I truly didn't want to talk about my hair to her, I felt so violated because she asked those questions in such a rude manner.

Whats your regimen?
Shampoo 1x a week with Kiss My Face Whenever or Giovanni Triple Tea Tree Treat
Deep Condition in twists under a hooded dryer 1x a week with Ultra Black Hair Deep Conditioner
Moisturize Daily with Ultra Black Hair Lotion Creme Moisturizer
Style 1x a week with Miss Jessie's Curly Pudding or MJ Curly Meringue or Blended Beauty Curly Frizz Pudding or BB Curl Styling Butter
Spray hair (w/ water) Daily
Intensive Deep Conditioner every 2 months -> That's using Jamila Henna for me!

What advice would you give to those thinking of becoming natural?
Enjoy it! Don't worry if your hair doesn't look like so and so, just love yours. Your hair will come out and look the way it wants to be, you just have to accept it and embrace it. Don't obsess over length, within years, it will come. Being natural is not easy, especially with our society and their standards of beauty, you have to be strong, hold your head up high and say "this is my beauty, I am beautiful just the way I am!" Once you start believing in yourself no one can tell you otherwise! Also, you have to understand that being natural is so much fun. With all the beautiful hair styles, I don't know why more people aren't all natural! :)

Are you pro natural, if so why?
No, if people want to be natural then they choose to be, if not, I can't force you. It's a personal choice, very personal.

Thanks for your time girl, and for featuring me! <3

Monday, November 2, 2009

Soooo I broke up with the bf recently (like two weeks ago yikes) and I'm feelin really confident about being single again. I guess it's because I wasnt really in love with the guy that it was so easy for me to give up the relationship. My bad we weren't really relating to each other so I wouldn't exactly call it a relationship. But I feel like I don't to get close to anyone right now because Im focused on school and my job, among other things. I've been doing hair more frequently which is a surprise to me, last year I barely had any clients. Thats another reason why I want to keep experimenting with braids this winter to showcase my work. People are still so shocked that I take time to braid my own hair but I like to think of it more as therapy. When Im focused on my hair and finishing the task at hand it takes me away from the physical world and allows me time to get my mind right. Don't misunderstand me it can be tiring but I feel so proud when I achieve my goal. As far as guys go I meet some interesting ones here and there, but I don't want to give them to think that I wanna get with them or something like that. As of now I'm officially just chilln and when I say chilln I mean no friends with benefits, no feelings of atttachment, no I love you's, no I wanna be your girl none of that. If anyone comes around that I happen to be interested in I guess we'll just see how it goes until then keep reading, subscribe to the youtube channel (Channyboo9023), and leave comments please I'd love to hear some feedback (dances like Janet) from my seven followers ;).

Stop by Wednesday for the next Beauty and the Kinks girl: Olivia

Stay nappy, Stay happy

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Beauty and the Kinks: Michelle

Our first Beauty Michelle aka NowIamNappy comes to us from the Bronx to share her affair with her lovely Kinks

Where are you from and and is the natural scene prominent?
I live in da Bronx!! I'm actually originally from Texas but moved to the Bronx about 5 years ago. Since there are a lot of Hispanics the natural scene is very limited, even though some of the black women I have seen are rocking twas or locks.

What inspired you to become natural? Did you transition, long term or short term?
It was actually my sister who initially inspired me to go natural. She has been natural for over 7 years and after seeing her waist length hair I knew I was ready to make the transition. Also I was having scalp issues from the relaxer from the extreme chemical burns I would receive because of the eczema on my scalp. I knew I was ready after my last relaxer left me with Seborrhea Dermatitis. I was a mid term transitioner I lasted about 8.5 months. What kind of reactions have you had since becoming natural?For the most part its been positive. Everyone was use to me changing my hair ever so often and most people thought it was just another phase I was going through. Also a lot of my friends went natural after they saw how fast it grew and how healthy my hair was.

Whats your regimen?
My current regimen as it cools down is to cowash twice a week and shampoo my hair once a month. I use my Vo5 conditioners to cowash and my Chagrin Valley shampoo bar to wash my hair followed by an ACV rinse. I always wash my hair in sections and plait my hair to dry. The next day I will rock a braidout and then by that evening I will have either put in twists or and updo of some sort. My current leave in is my conditioner, castor oil, and water mix followed by whipped shea butter and aloe vera gel.

What advice would you give to those thinking of becoming natural?
I would say to definitely go natural. Its a very serious decision but I feel that there is so much information out there right now and so many websites that will help you along with the transition process. There was nothing greater then the feeling of cutting the perm out of my hair and I have not regretted that decision at all. I have never felt happier and more real than I do now.What has been the best thing about your hair journey thus far?The best thing is the different styles I have been able to accomplish and my hair has never felt healthier. Oh, and proving to everyone out there that African American hair can grow!

first picture is back in the creamy crack days

2nd picture my going to a formal.... whoever says natural hair cant be formal is a liar!!!

3rd picture me last week at an assembly

Monday, October 26, 2009

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Halloween '09 Egyptian Goddess

These pics were my inspiration for my Halloween costume this year. I plan on creating either the second or third look from the left except I'm using a saturated blue color, Its really pretty. I originally planned on going as Foxy Brown (Pam Grier) but since I put my hair in twists I had to cancel that out. This is the makeup look I chose since Egyptians were all about the eyes and I love drawing attention to mine ;). I cant wait Its going to be sooooo HoTT!!!! I will definitely have to post pics of this one

I still have to pick up a few things so that will be my mission for this week.

Happy Halloween!!!!!

My Shaving Solution

Ok I dont know about yall but I really don't like shaving, so I use Nair instead and have been using it since high school. However I've been noticing that it gives me ingrown hairs on my legs because I have to use it about once a week (my hair grows back fast). N E who... those little ingrown hairs can turn into blackheads and I really dont appreciate that. So about a month ago I started looking at other alternatives for hair removal. Eventually I came to the conclusion that waxing is the best one for me. But where to start I never waxed anything besides my eyebrows and the thought of doing that to my bikini line and legs kindof made me flinch at first. So I did some more research and learned when and how to apply the wax correctly. Last night while I was at Walmart I made the decision to either purchase some Nair or try out my new alternative. As luck would have it I got to the wax and I wasnt sure which one to pick (they all sound so darn amazing...dang those advertisers). So I did what any good naturalista would do... READ THE INGREDIENTS. Did that and I decided on this one Sally Hansen's Naturally Bare Honey WaIngredients:Wax ingredients Zea Mays (Corn) Syrup, Fructose, Glucose, Saccharide Hydrolysate, Sucrose, Glycerin, Water, Glycerin, Chamomilla Recutita (Matricaria) Flower Extract, Carica Papaya (Papaya) Fruit Extract, Honey, Citrus Medica Limonum (Lemon) Juice, Citrus Medica Limonum (Lemon) Peel Oil, Acetic Acid, Butylene Glycol, Propylene Glycol, Diazolidinyl Urea, Methylparaben, Propylparaben. Aftercare ingredients: Water, Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Juice, Rosa Centifolia Flower Water, Hamamelis Virginiana (Witch Hazel) Leaf Extract, Chamomilla Recutita (Matricaria) Flower Extract, Carbomer, Propylene Glycol, Triethanolamine, Sodium Methylparaben, Sodium Ethylparaben, Sodium Propylparaben.
I just did a skin test and so far so good so around next week I will attempt to wax my legs and bikini line (gotta be hairless for Halloween :)
I'll post my results then

Friday, October 23, 2009

My 1st Hair Journey Video (just pics and Wayne Wonder)

Hey Naturalsistas!

Hope you enjoy this trip down memory lane

Friday, October 16, 2009

I'm Buying my First Wig!

Ok I went to the beauty supply aka my playground a few weeks ago and decided that I would try on some wigs. I have to say it was an interesting experience, but I settled on two choices. One was an asymmetrical short cut that was sooo fly, I barely have to cut the style at all. The second was a full cap wig by Freetress which is pictured below

I can't wait to rock these two when I take my twists down. I'll be posting pics of those soon as well (my yarn twists). I want to keep them until the new year and do some thing else but we'll see how that goes. May a sew-in or micros in the front and back with a sew-in.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Been a Long Time Comin ;)

Whats up my lovely bloggers!!
I have been away for a minute and I am sorry if I left you hangin in any way, shape, or form. I have been really busy with school and work, but I wanted to take time to tell you guys about the new things happening with me and the blog. I put in some yarn twists (I know yall lookin like finally lol) this was the only weekend that I had to do them. I kindof didnt want to because my nappiversary is next month, but I'll just post a length check pic to show yall the progress I've made this year. My hair is collar bone length as of now I think thats awesome concidering that ie was a lil bit below my eyebrows when I first bc'd.

Hmm what else is there...
I wanted to start a weekly profile of naturals around my school and in the world in general I will post the questions later and I want you guys to email me three photos with your answers to the profile questions at cmm0016@auburn.edu. Please put Beauty in the Streets in the subject line :)

Also Im going to start doing a weekly product spotlight/ review. This is also to help with my slight pjism

If you notice any other changes to the profile dont fret Im a Pisces so I am all for reinventing things. I also get bored easily.... Ok now Im just dragging on. My main point look for changes to naturally me in the future and email me your thoughts and comments on how I can make my blog more informative

Happy Growing :)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Just One of Them Days :(

I'm really feeling presed for time this week and I am asking God to help me push through until friday. I have a test tomorrow in history and Im still reading the book that some of the questions will cover. I also have an exam in marriage and family on friday on chapter 1-5. On top of that I have to work thursday-saturday. I feel really burned out and tired as hell, I even keep falling asleep in my classes. I know I have no reason to be so far behind in my classes when I have ample time to read and my work load isn't that much at all. Procastination is definately a vice this semester will teach me to get over if I want to maintain a GPA of 3.0 or higher (preferably higher). And then this bitch got the nerve to trip about the bathroom being filthy as usual. And mind you it was my suitemates' time to clean for the pass two weeks and the deed went undone, resulting in the accumulation of hair, makeup, dust etc. in the bathroom. I aint thinkin about these chicken heads, I have too much stuff on my plate to sweat the small stuff. I know I can make it through this week with God's help. He is my strength and my provider, with him on my team no weapon formed against me shall prosper. I am speaking victory over this week and I pledge myself to spending less time on the internet and more time in my books. Gotta get back on the grind. Yall take care


Thursday, September 10, 2009

10 Random Things About ME!

  1. I love, love, love fashion especially vintage
  2. I am secretly crushing on Taylor Lauthner (Twilight's Jacob Black) his sexy ass
  3. I am pro-natural hair (that is)
  4. Me my mother and granny have middle names that start with M
  5. I've never been in a real fight, yeah I know what your thinkin but they always got resolved before any real blows were thrown. Still people know not to mess with me ;)
  6. I want to adopt and Mandarin baby girl and an Ethiopian girl
  7. The farthest I've been from the states is Honolulu, Hawaii
  8. All time favorite singer is Whitney Houston (crack,bobby brown and all I love her always)
  9. I hate it when people freak out over every little thing, maybe its because Im a picses and we just go with the flow, but that really bugs me
  10. I detest BHW aka Bad Hair Weave!!!! Please keep your tracks in line ladies I will talk about you.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

I Love Chrisette!!!!

Lemme say I am definately feeling her music and think she is an awesome artist (keyword artist not some microwavable wanna be singer) . Enjoy the video

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Going N2 Hair Hibernation

Whats up everybody!!!!
Ok I know that yall probably get tired of me yackin about my hair, but if so dont read the blog duh lol jk. In view of the fact that this football season is gonna be hella busy at my new job I've decided that its time for my favorite alternative to everyday styling ... TWISTS. The last time I did twists as you know I did not like the particular brand of hair that I used soooo this time I'm going to use yarn again.


  1. Yarn looks better the older it gets, and kindof looks like locs

  2. It blends well with my natural hair

  3. Cheap alternative to synthetic or human hair

  4. Can wash more frequently that extensions

This time when I seal my ends instead of using a lighter I wanna try sealing with my flat iron (of course I will do a trial and error before i do it on my whole head)

I wanted to use a lighter shade of brown or auburn color to do a few highlights as well. More than likely I will keep these babies in until around Halloween (I want to be Fro-ed out that night).

Before I forget.....

Some of my fotki friends have requested that I do a tutorial on how to twist with a twist so be looking for that soon. Sorry its taking a lil longer than I said but I have been really busy so yall just bear with me. Please excuse how i look in the pic on the left I had just finished my hair and I was studying for my last final.

Much luv,


Saturday, September 5, 2009

AU Football Season Starts with a Bang!!!

SOoooo last night while we were in the midst of putting out some more tees, my coworker took the liberty of cleaning the fitting room. She came out with a cup with what we thought was beer (turned out to be urine) and a broken sensor. Lmao that made everyone's night forreal yall. I mean who knew people could be so triflin and I swear whoever that was tried to chew that damn sensor off. I would celebrate this next bit of news but Im so freakin tired (went in to work at 7:30 am). We Won yep we won oh yeah, Kicked LA Tech's ass and I'm so happy already off to a good start. So shouts out to AU football team and our new coach Chizik (spellcheck lol).


Monday, August 31, 2009

That's too much work ):/

So I was casually strolling with on of my friends and some other girl that I didn't really know, I've just seen her around. The girl asked me if this (my fro) was my hair. I said yeah and then she asked me how I get it to look like this (curly fro method). I said it grows like this, because at first I thought she was talking about my texture, and then I told her that I twist my hair and tuck each section at night. I put a lil leave in conditioner on my hair and then seal with an oil. She said that was too much work, (shakes head and says tisk tisk). Now you know that's a damn shame, she had tracks in her hair and they werent looking to hot so maybe she just doesn't like doing hair. NE who I dont think natural hair is difficult at all as long as you know what works for your hair. I actually put in less time with my natural hair than I did with the perm b/c I dont have to worry about appointments, roller sets, and making sure it doesn't get poofy :). People, think what you want but my hair is here to stay


Friday, August 28, 2009

I Finally Got a Job

Singing (and yes I can) "In spite of everything I've been through, I still gotta say Thank You"

Yes I am definitely taking extra time to take God for blessing me with a job this semester at school. I start tomorrow and I'm really excited to get back on my grind. I still have books to get but i dont have the heart to ask my mom for more moolah. But all things through Christ and I know that he'll work it out.

Much luv,

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Just Venting

Ok I didnt mention this before but last weekend I received a disturbing text about one of my friends that I went to school with. I was frantic and considered driving home to Mobile that night. I didnt and still dont know what hospital she is at and until recently I thought she only had a broken leg. However a closer source has revealed that my friend is on a breathing machine and was hit by A DRUNK DRIVER. This is the second time in my life that something like this happened to someone close to me( the first time being my mother getting hit by a drunk driver). It kills me that people think they aren't hurting anyone by going home wasted or trashed. To think my friend just graduated from high school this past May, and just because of some stupid person's negligence her life could be cut short. Sobering facts don't ya think

Sunday, August 23, 2009

I Survived my First week Back!!!

Ok so I know I've been M.I.A lately but N E who I'm back now. So I was kindof stressed my first week of classes b/c of textbook costs, but God blessed me with a job opportunity this week so it looks like I will be able to help my mama out afterall. I was trippin earlier last week about the Bf but I'm good now. Mainly I think it was b/c I was just getting used to the idea of being by myself and here i am starting off a brand spanking new relationship. Truth be told I think I made the right decision, and push come to shove I can always end it if I feel like it aint workin ya know.

As far as my hair goes I had to take those damn twists out. FYI I will not be using Harlem 125 Marley Braid hair anymore. Im definately going to do some more twists but I might just use yarn or stick to my Janet collection hair in bulk or do a sew in. i dunno what it is but I really wanna put some crazy colored streaks in my hair :) who knows. I must say my hair is looking healthier since that protein treatment and hot oil treatment. I think I'll be doing those once a month from now on.

thats all for now

much luv,

Saturday, August 15, 2009

???What can I Say?

I must say that I am a bit confused about this ball of hoopla I call my love life. Its like no matter what I do someone I care about always gets hurt. And by them being hurt I wind up second guessing myself on whether my decision was right or not. I mean if some thing's really the right thing to do people wouldn't get hurt...would they? I'm really having fun with my boyfriend he's sooo sweet and he's not afraid to be affectionate towards me, where ever we are. That's definitely something that I wanted from the last guy but it wasn't really his style. And most times I would have to read between the lines (note: I hate reading between the lines :/). The crazy thing is that in a perfect world I would want my boyfriend to be the other guy instead. Even though I felt like I wasn't completely myself around him, I was more of my put together-tryna be perfect self. I loved him and it hurts because I feel like maybe once the summer was over things would've been better between us. But they aren't and I don't know how to fix it. Maybe its one of those things that I can't fix I just have to go with the flow like the true water sign I am. Maybe it just hurts now, and it wont hurt so much once I get wrapped up in my school work. I think to make an emergency prayer call to God, because I can't handle this.
much luv,

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

We Have Vintage In AU :)

I have to admit I thought I was dreaming when I passed by this store last satuday, but it is definately a real vintage store in Auburn, AL of all places. I really love the shop it's called Sydney's Vintage clothing. They even have a website where you can order stuff to be shipped to the store www.sydneysvintageclothing.com. I found some really nice pieces in there and I can't wait until I get a job so I can go there more often. I purchased a denim jumper dress for like 12.99 and it doesnt't even need that many alterations. I cant wait to wear it out soon. Check out the website and blog.

much luv,

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Did she really just ask me that?

Ok yall this is just random so I feel like I had to share it with you :)

Went to my mom's job just to say hey and see how she was doing.

Me: I think I'm gonna do a sew-in after I take these twists down.
Mom: Oh so your going back to the perm? (smiling)
Me: (wtf look on my face) No what does a perm have to do with me getting a weave?
Mom: I thought your hair had to be straight for that.
Me: No and I'm doing a full weave.
Mom: Oh

Point of this story see my mom swore up and down after I bc'd that I would perm my hair within the next year. AInt Happenin!!!! I love my naps but I really wanna give them a rest and my split ends got a lot better since the trim and protective styling.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

My Hair Story

If you haven't already figured it out I am natural, and I have been for about almost 9 months. Im proud of my decision and Im glad I made it so soon. I don't even mind to stares I get when I'm in public or comments from my friends and family. The self confidence I have makes all the backlash worth it :) When I look back on how I used to view myself and my hair it seems like I always had a nappy head mentality. What I mean by that is that I was never one of those girls running to the salon to get a perm. I loved and appreciated all types of hairstyles. Hair to me was just another form of expression like art or music. I would stretch my perms out for months with braids or extentsions when I was in high school. I was really critical about my hair's healthy and spent a lot of time reading hair magazines and picking my cousin/hair stylist's brain for ideas. I stopped using heat on my hair, onlying wet setting my hair once a week, did a deep conditioner every 2 weeks, protein treatment and wrapped my hair every night. My hair's health was really good, but I knew I wanted more. I felt like I wasnt really expressing who I was with my hair instead I was doing something because it's what someone else told me was right. I never understood why it was necessary for me to perm my hair. I wondered what was wrong with my hair that I had to get a perm. Did I have bad hair? or was it just ugly? Why was a perm the only way my hair could be pretty? I even considered the idea that maybe I just didn't have what people classified as "good" hair.

My mom permed my hair starting at age 3 because she couldn't handle pressing my hair. Now yall don't jump on my mama cuz I love her, but she just combed it through and washed it out to loosen the curl. I can't fault her because she was doing what she knew she could handle. When I was in middle school I asked my mom could I grow dreads and she said I could do whatever I wanted to my hair when I was 18. I snuck some colored hair into my braids when I was about 13 lol. But on my 18th b-day I spent the weekend with my godsister and got highlights :) I surprised my mom at church but she liked it. For graduation I cut my hair up to my neck and I loved that as well. I got my last perm the week before graduation and havent turned back since.
When I look in the mirror, all I see is me. No one else tells me what to wear or how to style my hair (mostly because they don't know how to do my hair :). I can't even begin to describe the freedom I feel with my natural hair now, but I will say this... If your considering embarking on this journey know that you will be questioned, insulted, misunderstood, and talked about even by those closest to you. But keep in my that this journey is strictly about you. Educate yourself and find others that share the same interests as you.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Why Are We Always Hatin?

Just in case you haven't read it yet Essence magazine has a really fascinating article about black women and our lack of sisterhood, "Black Women Behaving Badly" by Kierno Mayo. I have always wondered why as black women do we feel like we need to hate on each other and cut ourselves down. I mean we used to fight for our lives, family, and virtues side by side. What happened to that? What Changed? Is it the surge of reality tv shows that pit our sisters against us while we battle for the affections of some celebrity. Is it that age old saying that "there aren't enough black men to go around." I'll talk about that more later though. I guess this subject really hit home with me because of the incident I witnessed when my uncle, my cousin, and I went to the gas station. My cousin and I got out of the car to walk inside the mini mart. Meanwhile the chicks on the side of us were clearly beefing with some girls across the lot. Needless to say by the time we got outside the brawl had esscalated. As we approached my uncle's car I noticed a girl with a knife, another with a bat, and one with a grey goose bottle. They proceeded to pound and stab a girl who found herself on the floor in the midst of the fighting. And may I also point out that there were plenty of guys around that could've broken this up but instead they were either video taping it or egging the fight on. People this is not how I expect my daughters to act. Not that I am against self defense, especially if someone is endangering your life, but this degree of bloodlust had to have been prompted by more than just bad feelings. Why are we always up in arms against one another when this is clearly a method of society to break down the bonds of our heritage as African Americans? Read the article, post your thoughts, and please learn to love yourself and your sisters.

Friday, July 10, 2009

New Outlook

Until recently I assumed that there was no one who could really be happy with me the way I am. If it wasn't for a certain someone that entered my life last year I would not have grown nearly as much as I have now. I feel that I know what I want and expect out of any person that I become romantically involved with. There's no reason why anyone should settle for less when you know what you really want. I'm so grateful for my new love and his capacity to love me back. Its crazy how hard we search for love and then it just pops outta nowhere and knocks you over the head. I had been giving this guy the run around for a while but I finally gave in two days ago and I'm so happy that I did. Can't wait to see what happens next but right now I'm just enjoying the ride.