In this convo on a facebook status some guy decided to make a negative informed statement that was uncalled for check it out
Natalie: Natural hair is sooo BEauTifuLL!!Sat at 7:31pm · Comment · Like / Unlike3 people like this.
Biannica: YES!!!!
Natalie: I love seeing the different things people do with their hair, waves/curls,& color. All of that just makes me love and appreciate this beauty that God has naturally given me
Chantel: Yes Ma'am!!!! I love it!
Kevin: the hell it isn't!!!!!
Natalie: NEGRO!! No one asked you!!!
Kevin: So, my comment still counts. (Natural hair=Ugly). smh.
Chantel: Poor misquided black male, he can't even appreciate the multifaceted beauty of his sisters. Must be a reflection of his own self loathing
Kevin: whoa, excuse me. I Love All Sisters And Women of ANY Color. I'm Not misguided and I love myself not loathe. I just Think that young black females shouldn't cut off all their hair. It doesn't look good; I wouldn't want to date a female and her hair is shorter than mine!!!
Chantel: Soooo just because a woman has short, healthy, unprocessed hair she's unattractive. Soooo in your eyes having hair longer than yours no matter the condition is attractive. Interesting, whatever works for you good luck
Natalie: Kevin, Natural doesn't mean its short. It can be and it can be long short. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I love my hair and if you don't feel the same I could care less. I was just letting people know how I felt and didn't ask for negativity.
Natalie: It can be long or short. Its just doesn't have CHEMICALS in it. I can straighten my hair if I like to look like what you think is "beautiful".
*the guy went on to say that he's spoken with the "consensus" of black men and they all think the same thing natural hair equals ugly (smh hahahaha). And apparently ladies this guy says that all guys are really doing when they tell that with look beautiful with our natural coils is feeding into our low self esteem smh. I honestly feel sorry for this "boy" who apparently has been exposed to some other fake little "boys". I have had nothing but positive feedback from men of all races and regardless of what this fool said I know Im beautiful and so are you. I will not hold my head down in shame because I chose to rock a twa, twistout, fro, frohawk or whatever. I am a queen and so are you
here are my final comments via facebook to ol boy
Chantel: Sorry to tell you that you are sadly mistaken sir and do you know the major consensus of black males? Didn't think so. Speak for yourself and not others. Im natural and even when I cut my hair off last year black guys still found me attractive and even men from other races.
Chantel: Wow I cant believe that one person could be so narrow-minded so you believe anything another dude tell you yet you have not questioned every male in the world to make your arguement valid so with that said you do you and please dont parade your ignorant assumptions on others. Your wasting your time and energy trying to discuss something you obviously have no clue about. Regardless of what you say I know the truth based on my own experiences. and furthermore why did you feel the need to comment on a status that was upllifting and positive and bash it. Are you that thirsty for attention that you just go around being negative to get a rise out of people? Sorry to say I will not give the the satisfaction any longer. Peace
Wow shows how ignorant some black men are. Society is very sad sometimes. When will we learn to reeducate ourselves
WOW! Ignorance at it's best. I think that you handled yourself well but with that ignorance there is no telling what he thinks about a lot of things. :-(
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